Member Area Resources

Structured Trade & Commodity Finance by Singfin, London – 9/11 March 2020

Tuesday, January 7th, 2020

The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that ITFA will partner with SINGFIN who have just launched a new programme with a new course director, Structured Trade & Commodity Finance scheduled to be in London on March 9th-11th 2020.

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GTR Turkey – 4 March 2020, Istanbul – discounted passes for ITFA members

Monday, January 6th, 2020

The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that ITFA will partner with Global Trade Review (GTR) for GTR Turkey 2020, which is being held in Istanbul on March 4 at Fairmont Quasar, Istanbul, Turkey.

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eBSI courses – 2 courses for the price of 1 for ITFA members only

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

Following an agreement entered into between ITFA and eBSI Export Academy, we are delighted to inform you that we have managed to negotiate yet another very attractive deal for our ITFA members.

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ITFA Publication on Lobbying Action

Monday, December 16th, 2019

ITFA is at the moment engaged in defending our members interests mainly concerning the implementation of the recent Basel III amendments into European law (CRR and CRD).

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BAFT MPA Legal Opinions

Thursday, December 12th, 2019

ITFA is pleased to announce that new legal opinions, issued by Sullivan & Worcester are now available to ITFA and BAFT members.

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Blockchain and DLT in Trade white paper

Wednesday, December 4th, 2019

The ITFA Board is pleased to share the “Blockchain and DLT in Trade: A Reality Check” white paper. This is a jointly produced white paper between the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the World Trade Organization (WTO) and Trade Finance Global (TFG).

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TXF Political Risk and Trade Credit Insurance 2019, London – 4 December

Friday, November 22nd, 2019

Following ITFA’s agreement with TXF, the ITFA Board is pleased to announce that it has secured discounted passes to TXF Political Risk and Trade Credit Insurance 2019 which is being held on the 4th December in London.

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Structured Trade & Commodity Finance by Singfin, Dubai – 11/13 February 2020

Thursday, November 14th, 2019

The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that ITFA will partner with SINGFIN who have just launched a new programme with a new course director, Structured Trade & Commodity Finance scheduled to be in Dubai on February 11th – 13th 2020.

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Newly elected Africa Regional Committee

Wednesday, November 13th, 2019

Yesterday at 5.00pm London time voting closed for the ITFA Africa Regional Committee election. From 11 candidate members only 8 would be elected and voting was tight as expected.

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ITFA and VEFI Christmas Cocktail 2019 – 17 December, Zurich

Tuesday, November 5th, 2019

ITFA and the Association of Forfaiters in Switzerland (VEFI) would like to invite you to the ITFA and VEFI Christmas Cocktail 2019. This event is being held in Zurich on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 from 17:30 hrs till 20:00 hrs. To view the formal invite, please click here. This event is sponsored by ITFA.

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Monday, November 4th, 2019

We are thrilled to announce that ITFA’s 47th Annual International Trade and Forfaiting Conference will be held in Singapore from the 9th to the 11th September 2020.

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Insurance Committee Announcement concerning Consultation by European Commission

Thursday, October 31st, 2019

As many of you are probably aware, the European Commission has launched, on 11 October 2019, a Public Consultation on the Implementation of the final Basel III reforms in the EU.

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