Application form for ITFA Membership



Each referee by supporting the application represents that to the best of its knowledge the applicant is in good standing and that the executive(s) acting on its behalf is (are) honest and respectable and possess(es) the proper skill, knowledge, integrity and experience generally expected of a competent Forfaiter / Trade Financer by the industry and is accordingly recommended for membership of ITFA International Trade and Forfaiting Association.

In order to safeguard the reputation of ITFA and its members, it is recommended that the Referees personally consider the nature of the application and thoroughly familiarise themselves with the eligibility criteria set out in article 3 of ITFA’s statutes before supporting the application.


By becoming ITFA members, the Applicant acknowledges and accepts that it will conduct its business to the highest possible ethical and legal standards and in accordance with applicable market practices. The Applicant should read and be familiar with the eligibility criteria set out in Article 3 of ITFA’s statutes.

If admitted the Applicant shall immediately inform in writing the ITFA Secretariat of material changes in its constitution or capacity, such as changes in the executive bodies and/or events of any kind which may affect the reputation of ITFA and its members.

By submitting this application, the Applicant waives any right of recourse against ITFA and/or its current or former Board Members for any losses and/or damages that may be suffered by the Applicant in connection with its application (including, without limitation, arising from a rejection of the application).

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