Friday, June 25th, 2021
Following the publication of the Guide in April 2021, the wording of section 5.2 has been amended to clarify the case law analysis referring to the position in China.
Continue ReadingWednesday, June 23rd, 2021
Interest around electronic transferrable records continues to grow and various jurisdictions around the world are working on legislative changes.
Continue ReadingTuesday, June 22nd, 2021
We are delighted to share the 2nd edition of ITFA’s manual on digital negotiable instruments, produced in collaboration with members of the DNI Initiative. We are also grateful to Trade Finance Global for helping in our efforts to gain visibility for the second edition.
Continue ReadingMonday, June 21st, 2021
The ITFA Insurance Committee is pleased to invite ITFA members to join a webinar which tackles Fraud in Trade from an Insurer’s perspective. The webinar will be held on 25th June at 2pm BST.
Continue ReadingThursday, June 17th, 2021
ITFA and Trade Finance Global Trade (TFG) have today launched the LIBOR transition for trade finance hub.
Continue ReadingWednesday, June 16th, 2021
We are delighted to share with you the second edition of the manual on Digital Negotiable Instruments. This manual is a deliverable of our DNI Initiative which aims to bring negotiable instruments in the digital world.
Continue ReadingFriday, June 11th, 2021
The ITFA German Regional Committee (GRC) is pleased to invite ITFA members to a webinar on ESG in Trade Finance. This webinar will be held on Friday 18 June 2021.
Continue ReadingThursday, June 10th, 2021
The ITFA Board together with the Northern European Regional Committee (NERC) would like to inform you of its upcoming webinar which will be held on 17 June at 13:00hrs UK time. The webinar which is a follow up to the Libor webinar held last November, is titled: ”Libor Transition Update:Where Are We Now?.”
Continue ReadingThursday, June 10th, 2021
We are delighted to invite you to a webinar organised by Finastra – a member of the ITFA Fintech Committee – which is taking place on 30 June 2021 at 10am CEST.
Continue ReadingMonday, June 7th, 2021
It is that time of the year again and the 2021 edition of the ITFA Emerging Leader competition is now on! This has quickly become the “Oscars” of trade finance and we were delighted with how incredibly successful the first two editions were.
Continue ReadingFriday, May 21st, 2021
The ITFA Northern European Regional Committee (NERC) is pleased to inform you of its upcoming webinar. The webinar entitled: ”Libor Transition Update” will be held on Thursday 17 June 2021. This webinar is kindly being sponsored by Bank of China.
Continue ReadingFriday, May 14th, 2021
Fraud is an inherent risk in all business but trade finance has experienced some high-profile cases in the last few years that have led to regulatory action.
This webinar will include expert fraud lawyers and forensic investigators and asset recovery specialists.
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