
GTR Asia 2023, Singapore – September 5-6 – Discounts For ITFA members

Friday, August 4th, 2023

ITFA is delighted to once again partner with Global Trade Review (GTR) for GTR Asia 2023, taking place on September 5-6, 2023 at theSands Expo & Convention Centre (Orchid Ballroom, Level 4), 10 Bayfront Ave, Singapore 018956.

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Thursday, July 27th, 2023

Time is running out, don’t miss your chance to register at cheaper rates! Early Bird Registration ends on MONDAY 31ST JULY 2023!

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They’re Attending! Are you? ITFA Annual Conference, Abu Dhabi 2023

Thursday, July 13th, 2023

ITFA is delighted by the great response to the well-awaited annual conference. We are excited to announce that, to date we have close to 100 institutions that have registered and will be present at the Annual Conference in Abu Dhabi. Moreover, well over 200 participants have already registered, so don’t miss your chance to register!

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Last few rooms available at the Main Hotel – Abu Dhabi Conference, 2023

Monday, July 10th, 2023

We are ecstatic to announce that, with three months to go until our upcoming ITFA 49th Annual Conference in Abu Dhabi, we have over 200 delegates registered to date!

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Paris Europlace released its MLETR-centric report

Tuesday, July 4th, 2023

On November 11th 2022, we informed you about the mission entrusted to Paris Europlace by the French Government to accelerate the digitisation of international trade finance operations, which aims to encourage businesses active in importing and exporting, and their financers to move towards the digitisation of international trade finance procedures.

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The birth of a new Strategic Alliance to Support Small Business Exporters

Monday, July 3rd, 2023

The US Small Business Administration (SBA) is the only federal agency with a cabinet-level presence promoting the interests of small businesses in the United States including developing their export potential. As a global trade finance association, ITFA is a natural partner for the SBA and is therefore delighted to announce the signing of a Strategic Alliance Memorandum with them.

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ITFA Emerging Leader Annual Competition 2023

Friday, June 30th, 2023

A kind reminder that the 2023 edition of the ITFA Emerging Leader competition is now in full swing! This has quickly become the “Oscars” of trade finance… and this year we are delighted to have GTR as our official Media Partner for the Award!

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ITFA Insurtech Working Group – 2nd Edition Booklet Release

Tuesday, June 27th, 2023

Comparability. This was the mantra for 2023 for the Insurtech Working Group for the second edition of the Insurtech Booklet.

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Fintech Spaces – ITFA 49th Annual Trade and Forfaiting Conference – Abu Dhabi

Friday, June 23rd, 2023

We are thrilled to announce that for the second time at an ITFA Conference, we are offering the opportunity to the ITFA Fintech members to elevate their presence at the conference and to showcase their offerings.

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ITFA week is in July

Wednesday, June 21st, 2023

It’s summer-time and ITFA is holding three consecutive days of events in London to celebrate (we’ll also find some strawberries and cream to throw in).

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International Metal Platform (IMP) joins the DNI Initiative

Tuesday, June 20th, 2023

Facilitating faster trade and extending liquidity seamlessly to corporates is a major industry ambition and it is becoming a reality thanks to our fintech members.

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ITFA 49th Annual Conference, Abu Dhabi – Dubai Cares, ITFA’s Charity 2023

Wednesday, June 14th, 2023

The ITFA Board looks forward to welcoming you in Abu Dhabi, between the 11 & 13 of October, for this year’s ITFA Annual Conference which will take place at the 5-star Ritz Carlton, Abu Dhabi Grand Canal Hotel.

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