Wednesday, September 28th, 2016
The ITFA Board together with the Board of VEFI, the Association of Forfaiters in Switzerland, would like to invite you to the VEFI and ITFA Networking Lunch 2016.
Continue ReadingThursday, September 15th, 2016
The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that, following its agreement with BCR Publishing, it has managed to secure 1 pass at 50% discount, available only to ITFA members, to attend the Supply Chain Finance Summit. Moreover, any other ITFA members who register for the event will receive a 10% discount, in addition to the early bird booking […]
Continue ReadingTuesday, September 13th, 2016
The ITFA Board is delighted to announce that following its agreement with Trade & Export Finance (TXF), ITFA has managed to again obtain 2 registrations each at 50% discount for its ITFA members, to attend the TXF Middle East 2016 – Trade, Project and Export Finance. In addition, all other registrations are available to ITFA […]
Continue ReadingSunday, September 11th, 2016
Following ITFA’s invitation, earlier on in March, to participate in this year’s annual ADB Trade Finance Gaps Survey, we are pleased to inform you that the results of the survey have been quantified. In collaboration with the Asian Development Bank, this is ITFA’s third year of participation.
Continue ReadingMonday, September 5th, 2016
As part of the Board’s efforts to provide more to its members, ITFA is pleased to announce that it has reached another agreement with Reed Business Information (RBI) conferences. RBI provides business information, industry critical data services and workflow solutions in multiple formats across a variety of sectors.
Continue ReadingWednesday, August 10th, 2016
Following another agreement entered into between ITFA and eBSI Export Academy, we are delighted to inform you that we have managed to negotiate yet another very attractive deal for our ITFA members.
Continue ReadingThursday, July 28th, 2016
The Association of Forfaiters in Switzerland (VEFI) and ITFA invite you to the VEFI Summer Cocktail 2016. Please click here to view the event invitation.
Continue ReadingMonday, July 11th, 2016
In collaboration with Sullivan & Worcester, ITFA is pleased to invite you to yet another Trade Finance Breakfast Seminar entitled “Crisis, What Crisis?” – What has the industry worried and what should the industry be worried about? This seminar is going to be held on Thursday 21st July 2016, at Pinners Hall, London, UK. Registration and breakfast are at 8:15 am followed by the seminar […]
Continue ReadingFriday, July 1st, 2016
The Basel Committee published a paper (BCBS 362) in March 2016 setting out its proposals for limiting the use of internal models in calculating regulatory capital. ITFA has sent comments to the Committee in relation to the negative effect of these proposals on the use of credit risk insurance as a risk mitigant. A copy of […]
Continue ReadingWednesday, June 8th, 2016
In collaboration with Sullivan & Worcester, ITFA is pleased to invite you to yet another Trade Finance Breakfast Seminar entitled “Restructurings Involving Trade Finance Obligations.” This seminar is going to be held on Thursday 23rd June 2016, at Pinners Hall, London, UK. Registration and breakfast are at 8:15 am followed by the seminar from 8:45 till 10:00 am.
Continue ReadingFriday, May 20th, 2016
As part of the Board’s efforts to provide more to its members and followers, ITFA is pleased to announce that it has successfully managed to negotiate further with eBSI Export Academy, who provide Certified Online Training in Export, Finance and Supply Chain Management. eBSI is kindly offering, both our ITFA members and Non Members the […]
Continue ReadingTuesday, May 3rd, 2016
As part of the Board’s efforts to provide more to its members, ITFA is pleased to announce that following an agreement reached with eBSI Export Academy, who provide Certified Online Training in Export, Finance and Supply Chain Management (SCM), eBSI is kindly offering our ITFA members 2 passes at 50% discount on the online certificate […]
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