Virtual Conference – Future of Strategy 2021: Beyond Sustainability, 8-12 November

ITFA is pleased to announce that Coriolis Technologies is delighted to be running a third, virtual conference between the 8th and 12th November 2021.

With support from ITFA, the Future of Strategy 2021 online conference will bring together the world’s leading security and intelligence experts, policymakers, and trade professionals to discuss what is beyond the sustainability narrative.

During each day a unique blend of specialists and practitioners will discuss and analyze the future of trade finance, ESG and political risk through and ask if and how sustainability efforts are indeed creating a more meaningful economy.

Day 1: Creating a Sustainable Trade Landscape – The Political and Economic Overview plus Key Challenges for Business
Day 2: The Trade After Tomorrow – How Technology is Reshaping Global Trade 
Day 3: Open SeSME – Levelling the Playing for SME Supply Chains in Emerging Markets
Day 4: Taking the Risk – Trade Security in the 21st Century
Day 5: Beyond Sustainability – When Global Trade is Transparent what can you see?The programme with confirmed speakers is online here. ITFA is pleased to announce that the following ITFA board members will be represented during this conference:

Feel free to register here.
 We do hope many of you will join this virtual event!

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