Founded in 1993 in France, CODIX is an international software company which has developed iMX – the
event-driven enterprise management system. iMX provides a complete functional coverage of the full
lifecycle of all commercial finance, leasing and collection activities: receivables finance/factoring,
payables finance/supply chain finance, inventory finance, selective invoice finance, PO, syndications,
forfeiting, leasing (auto, equipment, real estate, and consumer finance, fixed deposit, revolving loans),
credit insurance, debt collections (early, late and legal), etc., with unrivalled flexibility and depth in the
system features.

iMX covers all the most advanced business functionalities to meet each company’s specific needs, and
integrates all the tools needed to improve global productivity: Web Portal, Automatic Dialer, Document
Management and BI tool. An Expert System, a business process modelling tool and workflow execution
engine, automates even the most complex business processes. The software is currently used in 28
languages by more than 50.000 users in 50+ countries.