ITFA NERC Winter Seminar & Networking drinks, London

The ITFA Board is excited to let you know about its very first in person event of 2023.

On Wednesday 1st March, the ITFA Northern European Regional Committee (NERC) is organizing its winter event which is open to ITFA members only, and will consist of a seminar which will start at 3.00pm, followed by a drinks reception from 6.00pm onwards. The event will be held at the premises of Allen and Overy LLP, One Bishops Square, London E1 6AD, United Kingdom.
Detailed agenda as follows:

15.00-16.15pm – Dynamics & Challenges of Africa Trade Finance



16.15-16.30pm – Coffee Break

16.30 -17.15pm – ESG spotlight: Diversity – the what, the why and the how?


17.15-18.00pm – Digitalization in a Life of the Transaction



Kindly be advised that the list of panellists is subject to change.

Each member institution is entitled to 3 invites to the seminar and the networking drinks. We kindly ask you to confirm your attendance through the online form and specify whether you will attend the seminar and / or Networking Drinks by no later than February 17, 2023. Attendance will be on a first come first served basis.

We look forward to your participation.

See you there!

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