ITFA NERC Amsterdam Spring event – 22 May 2019

The ITFA Board wishes to remind you that the ITFA Northern European Regional Committee (NERC) together with Credit Europe Bank N.V. will once again be hosting ITFA members in Amsterdam for the Spring Event which is being held on 22 May 2019.

The event will start at 14:00hrs in Zoku Amsterdam with a seminar discussing and debating topics relevant to emerging markets and trade finance. This will be followed by a dinner reception in the beautiful chapel of Hotel Arena Amsterdam at 18:30hrs and will continue till 23:00hrs.

While ITFA and Credit Europe Bank are busy finalizing the seminar agenda, please save this date in your calendar. Please click here to view the invite. We kindly ask you to RSVP by choosing the appropriate reply from the invite itself. Please RSVP on by no later than 15 May.

We hope that many of you can make it to this ITFA event.

We look forward to seeing you in Amsterdam!