22 NOV

ITFA GRC Annual Workshop, Munich – organised by GRC

The ITFA German Regional Committee (GRC) is organizing its Fall workshop on Thursday, 22 November, 2018  in Munich. This event is for ITFA Members only, with a maximum of 3 senior market participants per Member institution.  The workshop will be held in German and will be followed by the traditional Christmas Dinner which will be sponsored by  ITFA.

Details of the event:

14:00 – 17:30 pm – Workshop, including refreshments, hosted by UniCredit AG, HVB TOWER, Arabellastraße 12, 81925 Munich

18:00 pm – ITFA Christmas Dinner at the Münchner Stubn, Bayerstraße 35, 80335 München

Please confirm your attendance and specify whether you will attend the workshop and / or Christmas Dinner by email to Alexia Vella by no later than October 31, 2018.

Please also mail your questions or suggestions of topics to be presented / discussed during the workshop to Irene Port and Christine Borusiak by no later than October 31, 2018.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank UniCredit AG in advance for hosting the workshop and ITFA for their willingness to sponsor the Christmas Dinner.

The agenda will follow in due course.

As always, we do hope you enjoy the events we promote.


* Please note that dates and times are subject to change and cancellation at short notice, for which ITFA cannot be held responsible.
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