ITFA Giving Back To Society

Following the huge success of the ITFA Conference in Cyprus, we are pleased to announce that ITFA will also be doing its part in giving back to society at large.

As promised to all our sponsors, we have decided to sponsor an ESG initiative – Training Workshop on Diversity – Focused Coral Restoration Theory and Practice in Thailand. This workshop will provide an interdisciplinary training opportunity to a select group of students and early-career personnel in the variety of concepts and field training to pursue coral restoration that maximises diversity. This workshop will be timed to coincide with the synchronised coral spawning event in February or March 2025.

Moreover, following the generosity of all those present in Cyprus in supporting and donating to ITFA’s chosen charity –  Mary’s Meals, we are pleased to announce that the fantastic amount collected is €4,320. Experiencing such solidarity, the ITFA board has decided to top up this amount by donating a further €2,000 to this worthy cause, making the grand total collected €6,320.

We are so pleased that TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE in making the world a better place! A big thank you to each and every one of you for contributing to this success!

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