ITFA Emerging Leader Award 2024 – REMINDER

A kind reminder on the upcoming ITFA Emerging Leader (EL) Award!

We caught up with Charlotte Russo, one of the three well-deserved winners of the 2023 Emerging Leader Award to see how she found the experience – and hopefully encourage you to apply too! Here you can find Charlotte’s presentation on the ‘Trade Finance Talent Gap’.

What was your motivation for making a submission for the 2023 ITFA EL Award?

I decided to participate in the competition as it presented a unique opportunity to learn, contribute and grow, both personally and professionally. I was motivated by the prospect of addressing an important cause by providing my perspective as a recent graduate. As well as this, I knew that engaging in the project would allow me to expand my current understanding of the industry, I explored the current challenges and opportunities within the field, ultimately gaining a deeper, and more comprehensive, understanding of the Trade Finance industry itself.

How was the experience of presenting your submission to the ITFA conference in Abu Dhabi?

Initially, the idea of presenting my project to senior individuals within the industry was honestly very intimidating! However, the challenge turned into an invaluable learning opportunity which certainly pushed me out of my comfort zone. The conference environment was stimulating and supportive creating an atmosphere of mutual learning and growth. What stood out to me the most, was the positive and constructive involvement from attendees; their genuine interest in my project was incredibly reassuring to someone new to the market.

What was the impact on your professional life of winning the award?

Overall, the award has been a catalyst for professional growth. This year, I became a part of the ITFA Emerging Leaders Committee through the public election process which I do not believe I would have been able to do without the visibility and networking opportunities that I experienced at the conference. The award is an excellent opportunity to expose yourself to constructive feedback and valuable insights from industry leaders.

What is your advice to those competing in 2024?

Don’t worry about how “technical” your idea is! When I started my project, I had been in the market for less than a year, I was concerned that my idea wouldn’t at all interest the experts of the industry. Ultimately, focus on presenting a clear, well researched concept that you have a genuine interest in rather than focusing on how technical it is. As well as this, enjoy the experience!

Please also find the competition parameters here.

We truly urge you to apply. This is a great initiative for both visibility, networking and future career opportunities!

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