Board Member
Ute Gries

Since the end of 2019 Ute has been playing a pivotal role in widening LBBW’ s distribution activity for trade finance assets.
She was detrimental in starting distribution solutions for Trade Finance Assets. Guiding through the product’s lifecycle and pricing.
At present she is part of the Structuring and Outplacement Team at the Capital Management Unit in LBBW which works on distribution solutions across different asset classes.
A major in Chinese Studies from the Free University of Berlin, Ute started her banking career at DZ Bank Hong Kong Branch (HK). For several years Ute was in charge of a portfolio of small and medium sized German corporates doing business in China.
After relocating back to Germany, Ute started a full correspondent banking career at ODDO BHF in Frankfurt (GER). She build the correspondent banking network with Financial Institutions in East Asia, supporting German exports to the region. In the process, Ute was transferred for two years to ING Group in Amsterdam, NL where she covered the correspondent banking relations with Chinese banks on the whole product suite the ING Group delivered at the time.
In 2008 Ute joined Landesbank Baden-Wuerttemberg (LBBW) headquartered in Stuttgart (GER). She quickly became head of the coverage team responsible for Financial Institutions in Asia Pacific. Eventually, she moved on to be part of the newly set-up Distribution team.
Ute’s genuine interest and passion for international commerce have fueled her interest in applying a wide range of solutions to make trade finance work, deepening the distribution network for LBBW and open the product to alternative investors.
Since December 2023 Ute is a Board Member of the German Regional Committee at ITFA.