Board Member
Sebastien Heurteux
Over the past 23 years within BNP Paribas, Sebastien Heurteux has held a variety of positions in Dubai, Singapore and Paris. His area of expertise has historically been in Credit, International Trade and Commodity Finance. As deputy-Head of Portfolio Management Solutions, Sebastien manages teams dedicated to monitoring and advising on capital and risk management solutions, giving access to certain distribution channels and/or managing the credit insurance distribution platform.
As a member of ITFA’s Market Practice Group and Insurance Committee, Sebastien has contributed to some works related to answers to the BCBS 362 or the PRA UK CP6/18 consultation papers as well as some analysis on the possible impact of Basel IV on Credit Insurance for A-IRB banks. Recently, ITFA has also asked Sebastien to be part of a working group dedicated to helping for an adequate transposition of Basel IV viz. the credit insurance product.