Board Member
Peter Farthing

Peter is a Managing Director/Division Director of the Structured Lending team within the Commodities and Global Markets Division of Macquarie Group and has been with Macquarie since 2005.
The Structured Lending team was established in 2020 and since inception has deployed approximately A2b of the Bank’s balance sheet in structured finance transactions including asset financing, bridge and term facilities and receivables and supply chain funding programs in a number of sectors including MERS.
In previous roles within the Group, Peter led the Cross-Divisional Projects business which was active in the leveraged loan markets, PPP/PFI projects, term loans and warehouse facilities and prior to that he led the Prudential team covering EMEA for CAF based in London which deployed the bank’s balance sheet through the principal finance and asset finance businesses and this included a number of mining lease and asset facilities and financing structures.
Peter is active in assisting issuers and borrowers including MERS corporates and government entities with their capital structure and balance sheet optimisation and implementing bespoke financing initiatives and specifically extracting value and leverage from their ‘core’ assets. Peter has also arranged, managed and distributed funding programmes for issuers.
Peter is currently working on a number of structuring initiatives that would combine sustainable practices within organisations and across supply chains with financing frameworks and these structures should be of relevance and value to the MERS sector. It is hoped by participation on the Austmine Board that Peter will be able to more effectively impart these ideas, expertise and experience from a range of sectors to the collective advantage of the MERS members and the MERS sector and seek to bring fresh perspectives from a financing standpoint to the industry.
Peter has a Master of Laws from Sydney University and a Master of Finance from INSEAD Business School, France.