Thursday, October 12th, 2017
Following its most recent association agreement with TXF, the ITFA Board is pleased to announce that it has secured discounted tickets to a one-day leaders’ summit on French export finance.
Continue ReadingThursday, October 12th, 2017
Following an agreement entered into between ITFA and eBSI Export Academy, we are delighted to inform you that we have managed to negotiate yet another very attractive deal for our ITFA members.
Continue ReadingTuesday, October 3rd, 2017
In collaboration with Sullivan & Worcester, ITFA is pleased to invite you to yet another Trade Finance Breakfast Seminar entitled “Trade and Export Finance: The Equator Principles – A Refresher and an Update.” This seminar is going to be held on Thursday 26th October 2017, at Pinners Hall, London, UK. Registration and breakfast are at 8:15 am followed by the seminar from 8:45 till 10:00 am.
Continue ReadingFriday, September 29th, 2017
The ITFA Board together with the Board of VEFI, the Association of Forfaiters in Switzerland, would like to invite you to the VEFI and ITFA Economic Outlook and Networking Lunch 2017.
Continue ReadingMonday, September 25th, 2017
The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that ITFA and IBS (a Portuguese business school) are jointly organising a Trade Finance Seminar which is going to be held on the 27th October 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal. The seminar will take place at IBS’ premises in Lisbon (Avenida das Forças Armadas, 1649-026 Lisbon – closest subway station is Entrecampos).
Continue ReadingThursday, September 14th, 2017
The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that the ITFA GRC will be holding its Fall workshop on November 07, 2017 in Frankfurt am Main. The event is for ITFA Members only, with a maximum of 3 senior market participants per Member attending. The language of the workshop will be German.
Continue ReadingTuesday, September 12th, 2017
The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that following its recent agreement with Trade & Export Finance (TXF), ITFA has managed to provide more for its members for yet another event organised by TXF. ITFA members are being offered 2 registrations at 50% discount each to attend the TXF MENA 2017: ECA, Project, Commodities & Trade Finance. In addition, […]
Continue ReadingMonday, September 11th, 2017
In collaboration with Sullivan & Worcester, ITFA is pleased to invite you to yet another Trade Finance Breakfast Seminar entitled “Trade and Export Finance: Litigation or Arbitration? – The New York – v – English Law Perspective.” This seminar is going to be held on Thursday 28th September 2017, at Pinners Hall, London, UK. Registration and breakfast are at 8:15 am followed by the seminar from 8:45 till 10:00 am.
Continue ReadingWednesday, August 2nd, 2017
ITFA is again running its annual Educational Seminar on Trade Finance, in London on 4-5 September.
Continue ReadingTuesday, August 1st, 2017
The Uniform Rules for Forfaiting (URF 800) published by ITFA and the ICC, and which are the only internationally approved rules for any form of receivables finance, have received further distinction of approval and endorsement by UNCITRAL (United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), an agency of the UN. The formal letter of approval can […]
Continue ReadingThursday, July 20th, 2017
The ITFA Board is delighted to announce that Stacey Facter and Paul Coles will be heading one of the sessions at the ITFA 44th Annual Trade and Forfaiting Conference which is taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland between the 6-8 September 2017.
Continue ReadingFriday, July 14th, 2017
Sartorially, the girls have got it easier this year. Your ITFA 2017 conference ticket includes tartan sashes for ladies and a full kilt, jacket, sporran and shoes for men.
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