
Webinar “Trade Digitisation And Regulatory Developments In India” – 05 September 2020

Thursday, September 3rd, 2020

Join us on September 5th at 8am30 CEST / 12pm IST for a webinar dedicated to the Indian regulatory developments with regards to trade digitization.

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European politics and business after COVID-19 – WTW webinar – 8 September 2020

Monday, August 31st, 2020

ITFA is pleased to announce that Silja Calac, ITFA Board Member and Chairperson of the ITFA Insurance Committee, will be one of the speakers at the upcoming webinar organised by Willis Towers Watson (WTW). The webinar titled ”European politics and business after Covid-19” will be held on Tuesday 8th September 2020 between 12:30 – 13:30 BST.

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GTR East Africa 2020 Virtual, 1-2 October – discounts for ITFA members

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

We are pleased to announce that ITFA will be partnering with Global Trade Review (GTR) for its upcoming GTR East Africa 2020 Virtual, which will be taking place on October 1-2.

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Global Supply Chain Finance Forum – August 2020

Wednesday, August 26th, 2020

ITFA has been an active member of the Global Supply Chain Finance Forum (GSCFF) – comprising BAFT (Bankers’ Association for Finance and Trade), Factors Chain International (FCI), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Euro Banking Association (EBA) – which has released a new paper in response to growing concerns regarding the use of supply chain finance (SCF) and, in particular, payables finance programmes.

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GTR Asia 2020 Virtual Event, 8-11 September – discounts for ITFA members

Tuesday, August 18th, 2020

We are pleased to announce that ITFA will be partnering with Global Trade Review (GTR) for its upcoming event -GTR Asia 2020, the world’s largest trade finance gathering, will this year be taking place virtually, on September 8-11.

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Trade Finance Innovation and Regulation Virtual Summit – 17 September 2020

Thursday, August 6th, 2020

Next steps for International Financial Trade post Covid-19 – these are exciting and transformative times for the trade finance community. City & Financial Global is delighted to shed some light on the implications of current developments with the launch of The Trade Finance Innovation and Regulation Virtual Summit.

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Announcement concerning the Joint Association Letter

Wednesday, August 5th, 2020

In April this year, ITFA led a joint industry association initiative, drawing the attention of the regulator to the Private Non-Payment Insurance market.

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Call of interest for the position of new Chairman to the ITFA Middle East Regional Committee

Tuesday, August 4th, 2020

The ITFA Board has been in discussion with its Middle East Regional Committee (MERC) regarding a new Chairperson for the region, as Semih Ozkan will be stepping down from his position as the MERC Chairperson, as from September 2020.

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ITFA WEBINAR – Trade Digitization and Regulatory Developments in AU / NZ

Monday, July 27th, 2020

Join us on Tuesday 25th August for a webinar dedicated to the AU / NZ market. Accelerated digitization of trade finance flows is a desired outcome of the on-going pandemic. Which are the required policy changes for negotiable instruments to move digital? What are the on-going discussions with stakeholders in the AU and NZ industry regarding trade […]

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Webinar: Tradition vs technology: Do Letters of Credit have a future post Covid-19? 30 July 2020

Tuesday, July 21st, 2020

Will Letters of Credit matter as we enter the post Covid-19 recovery and trade enters a new digital era or will digitization give them a new lease of life? Join us on 30th July for an interesting webinar brought to you by ITFA and Finastra.

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Proof of Concept Agreement

Monday, July 20th, 2020

We are pleased to publish, and make available for members, a draft proof of concept agreement for use by financial institutions and fintechs. The intention is for the draft to form a base for discussion between the two entities where the institution wishes to use a fintech SaaS solution in a non-regulated sandbox environment for both parties to gain insight and feedback on feasibility and functionality.

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ITFA White Paper: What is Trade Credit Insurance – the US Trade Credit Market

Wednesday, July 15th, 2020

ITFA Americas is proud to release the first industry reviewed and supported Trade Credit Insurance (TCI) white paper for the United States TCI market. This paper is available to all ITFA members in the member area of the ITFA website. ITFA’s participation and role in the collaborative US TCI efforts to secure US government reinsurance support for […]

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