Monday, February 21st, 2022
We are delighted to welcome Trade Finance Global (TFG) to the Trade Finance Distribution (TFD) Initiative as a non-bank originator. From banks to asset managers, brokers and insurers, TFG aims to work with members of the TFD Initiative to pursue its vision of trade finance without barriers.
Continue ReadingFriday, February 18th, 2022
Traxpay which joined ITFA early 2021 has decided to engage with the wider trade finance community on trade digitization and MLETR adoption through our DNI Initiative.
Continue ReadingThursday, February 17th, 2022
Despite some recent de-escalation, nothing has yet been settled in the Russia-Ukraine crisis, with the imposition of sanctions remaining a real possibility. ITFA, together with HFW and Marsh Specialty, has organised this timely webinar to analyse the risks and some of the options available to members.
Continue ReadingTuesday, February 15th, 2022
It is that time of the year again – we are calling on all prospective mentors and mentees to join the 2022 cohort of the ITFA Martin Ashurst Trade Finance Mentoring Scheme.
Continue ReadingMonday, February 14th, 2022
The ITFA Board is pleased to announce that Sean Edwards, ITFA Chairman will be speaking at the following webinar titled ‘Implementing an Effective Export Control Program for Financial Institutions’, being held on Wednesday 16 February at 14:30 GMT.
Continue ReadingMonday, February 7th, 2022
360tf which joined ITFA mid 2021 has decided to engage with the wider trade finance community by leveraging our DNI Initiative.
Continue ReadingFriday, February 4th, 2022
At the request of Demica, a member of the ITFA Fintech Committee, we are sending you the recently launched annual benchmarking survey for banks in trade finance.
Continue ReadingThursday, February 3rd, 2022
The ITFA Board wishes to inform you that the ITFA Northern European Regional Committee (NERC) is organizing a physical event on Thursday 3rd March, 2022 in London. The event will focus on the theme of ESG in Trade: The Way Forward.
Continue ReadingThursday, January 27th, 2022
ITFA is pleased to invite its members to a webinar providing further insights into the transition from IBOR to risk-free reference rates. The webinar will consist of three short presentations from Mayer Brown, the Bank of England and CME Group, with an opportunity for Q&A at the end.
Continue ReadingTuesday, January 25th, 2022
We are delighted to welcome Pemberton Asset Management to ITFA and to TFD Initiative, our flagship trade distribution community.
Continue ReadingMonday, January 24th, 2022
Join us on Tuesday 8 February at 14:00 UK time, 15:00 CET, 09:00 EST for a panel debate on the actual adoption and expected benefits of interoperable trade documents and negotiable instruments as advocated by the Model Law for Electronic Transferrable Records (MLETR).
Continue ReadingMonday, January 17th, 2022
Here we are – starting a new calendar year 2022!
However, we seem to be in a familiar scenario, whereby the Covid situation is once again putting us in uncertain circumstances. We will continue to follow the situation closely and endeavour to hold live events in different regions as soon as feasible. In the interim and as requested by some of our members we will hold a series of webinars throughout 2022 in conjunction with physical events when these are possible.
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