Annual ITFA Emerging Leader competition 2024 – submissions are now OPEN!

It is that time of the year again and the 2024 edition of the ITFA Emerging Leader competition is now on… and this year we are delighted to have received sponsorship from Africa Global Trade Finance, which will allow us to offer even more benefits to our competitors!
The main goal of this initiative is to allow Emerging Leaders in trade finance to showcase their ability to add value to the industry, as we have aptly demonstrated over the last few years.
The Hall of Fame of the ITFA Emerging Leader Award currently stands as follows:

The big question now is who will join this list in 2024…???

The attached guide explains how to participate and all the rules of the competition, as well as practical information.

Given Africa Global Trade Finance’s generous sponsorship, the three shortlisted submissions will receive:

The winner is awarded the 2024 ITFA Emerging Trade Financier Award and will have the winning project published.
May the best Emerging Trade Financier win!

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