Africa Trade and Customs Week Summit : 7 -9 Nov, 2022 : Discounts for ITFA Members

ITFA is delighted to partner with Dadem Investments Pty Ltd for their upcoming event Africa Trade and Customs Week Summit 2022, being held between the 7-9 November of 2022 at the prestigious Protea Hotel Balalaika in the richest square mile in Africa being Sandton Johannesburg South Africa.

Africa Trade and Customs Week gathers trade leaders from multilaterals, donor agencies, government & private sector for 2 days of interactive programs + 1 day of specialized workshops and capacity building. The 2022 edition will showcase global customs and trade capabilities across agencies + promote Africa as a hub for global trade. The interactive leaders program is focused on G2G, G2B and B2B customs, supply chain, trade facilitation, border security and technology across the customs and trade value chain.

The ITFA Board is delighted to inform you that we have secured two standard rate passes at 50% discount and all others at 10% discount for ITFA members to attend this event. The two 50% passes are on first come first serve basis. For ITFA members to register for the discounted passes, please send an email to These offers are eligible for new registrations only.

To view the conference programme and for any further details, please visit the event website:

As always, we do hope that ITFA members make the most of the additional benefits that ITFA is bringing to them through such collaborations.

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