Tallinn SCF Summit 2020 – 18 March – POSTPONED

The ITFA Board regrets to inform you that due to the spread of COVID-19, the organizers of the Tallinn SCF Summit have reluctantly decided to postpone the event. The new date is to be determined so please look out for further communication.

This decision was primarily taken to ensure the safety of participants, in light of ongoing travel restrictions and other precautionary measures undertaken by hosting and participating organizations alike at this uncertain time.  

For those of you who have made travel arrangements to be in Tallinn and are keen to discuss all things supply chain finance, the team of SupplierPlus will be happy to welcome you for bilateral meetings and potentially a thematic round table. For the time being, the outbreak in Estonia is limited to 10 confirmed cases. If you are interested in making the most of it, please send an email to summit@supplierplus.com.  

We are deeply sorry for this decision only a week before the event and appreciate your understanding.